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New updates and improvements at Resvu
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Two way chat

App Version 6.4.0

Goodbye emails (you won't be missed) and hello chat! This app update allows residents to send a message back to managers in a form submission, completely removing the need for emails 🥳

In addition, the manager assigned to the submission will receive an alert in the new notifications dropdown. Clicking on this notification will take you to the site and submission where the message was sent. Once actioned, you can clear the notification and move on to the next item requiring your attention.

Open site requests

In the move to replace the old maintenance request feature with forms, you can now choose to show all open submissions on the resident app for certain forms. These will display in a new Site Requests section on the home screen, and residents can click to view more details about each submission.

This improved visibility will go a long way to reducing duplicate submissions and keeping the entire site updated.


  • At the site level, you can change the status, priority and assignee of a form submission directly from the table

  • You can create a new form manually in the admin console on behalf of a resident

  • The Lot Number is now shown on the StrataMax import table, rather than the id

  • The activity feed on form submissions now shows the actual date and time, rather than how long ago it was created

  • The EULA and privacy policy links have been updated to our new website URL

  • Update the help centre URL in the mobile app

  • We have a new roadmap, check it out here!

Bug fixes

  • The Add Response button on Committee Hub topics was hidden on iOS devices when there was a full page of responses

  • Old request types (maintenance, builder defects, custom) were still showing in the filter dropdown on the resident app, even when they had been disabled using the feature toggles

  • Some accounts were having issues saving the new invite email settings